Ultimate Guide in Troubleshooting Common Technical Issues in e-Learning

Imperfection is a registered trademark in life and this also applies to the world of e-Learning. Challenges are inevitable. There is no route to escape the common technical problems that one could face while in the journey of online training. However, this ultimate guide is here to help you in troubleshooting or fixing these bumps. Find out what are the common technical issues that an e-Learner encounters during the training and how to overcome them.

This is mostly one of the biggest challenges that an e-Learner faces over the course of online training. This could be due to a problem with the internet or website issues. This could be really frustrating on the side of the learner because it makes it harder for them to catch up with the lessons and discussions. There are also those employees who do not have a well-equipped knowledge about technology and computer programs. There are also e-Learning platforms that are not yet so compatible with all types of devices and this poses a difficulty for those who can only access through phones.


Here are quick and easy things that you can do to prevent and overcome technical issues for the entire course of online training.

  1. Make sure that you choose a platform or a course that allows you to download the learning materials to review offline.
  2. Choose a platform that does not need a high-speed internet connection while on training.
  3. It would also be best that you pick an e-Learning service that is compatible with the device that you own.
  4. Minimalism is one of the biggest keys that leads to effective learning. Find an online training platform that offers simple and easy-to-navigate website tools. This is one of the most recommended solutions for learners who do not have advanced knowledge of computer literacy.
  5. Reach out to the customer support system of the website for software glitches and issues. They provide technical assistance with the help of their software engineers and other professionals behind the platform.

With the help of this informative guide, we hope that the e-learners will be able to solve the technical difficulties they’ve encountered. Facing fewer to no challenges can surely boost the learner’s confidence and their productivity in training to become the best employee that they can be.

Sign up now to get a full access privilege into our services. Contact us so we can help address the technical issues you are experiencing.