Postman and Swagger

Postman and Swagger

This practical course is designed for software developers, testers and API designers who wish to learn API testing and documentation with Postman and Swagger. Students will learn how to test APIs quickly, automate testing workflows and provide thorough API documentation in accordance with the OpenAPI (Swagger) standard.


  • Overview of Postman
  • Installation and Navigation of Postman
  • Sending Application Processing Interface (APIs)
  • Collection, Variables and Scripts
  • Mock Servers and Postman APIs
  • Overview of Swagger
  • Why Swagger
  • Swagger Editor and User Interface
  • Swagger Codegen
  • Swagger Inspector and Swagger Hub
  • Key Features of Postman and Swagger
  • Main Differences Between Postman and Swagger


  • Developer
  • Manager

Course Formats

This course is available as:

  • Instructor led training
  • e-Learning
  • Book
  • Any combination of the 3 options