PEN Testing

PEN Testing

This course is designed for cybersecurity professionals seeking to understand the art and science of penetration testing. Students will learn the approaches, tools and strategies used by ethical hackers to detect and exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks and applications. Through hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios students will learn how to conduct effective penetration tests and improve their organization’s security posture.


  • Introduction to PENtesting (PENtesting Fundamentals)
  • Network Exploitation
  • Web Hacking (Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP))
  • Network Security (Active And Passive Reconnisance)
  • Metasploit (Exploit Vulnerabilities)
  • Privilege Escalation (Linux Privesc & Windows Privesc)
  • Cryptography (Encryption)
  • Burpsuite (Burp Suite Basics)
  • And many more…


  • Developer
  • Manager

Course Formats

This course is available as:

  • Instructor led training
  • e-Learning
  • Book
  • Any combination of the 3 options